Sports Massage Therapy

Sports Massage Therapy Aids in recovery, keeps muscles limber, improves mobility, reduces injuries, and manages pain. Effective Sports massage starts with understanding the sport both intellectually and physically. One of the first steps I take when working with athletes is to participate in their specific activity, this experience provides both myself and the client with shared understanding when creating treatment plans.

Prenatal / Postnatal Massage Therapy

Prenatal Massage is a drug free pain management option, helps mother and baby relax, manages stress and can  helps with various prenatal and postnatal conditions.

⦁ Reduced back pain.

⦁ Reduced joint pain.

⦁ Improved circulation.

⦁ Reduced edema.

⦁ Reduced muscle tension and headaches.

⦁ Reduced stress and anxiety.

⦁ Improved oxygenation of soft tissues and muscles.

⦁ Better sleep.

Myofascial Release and Therapeutic Cupping

Myofascial release (also known as “myo”) is a form of massage therapy that assists in the treatment of muscle tension and pain. Myo aims to relax contracted muscles, improve blood flow, and stimulate the stretch reflex in muscles.

Fascia is a thin, tough, elastic type of connective tissue that wraps around muscles. This tissue can become restricted due to overuse, trauma, or inactivity, and often results in pain, muscle tension, and diminished blood flow.

Cupping therapy utilizes negative pressure rather than tissue compression used in therapeutic massage therapy. Negative pressure also known as decompression utilizes suction to lift and separate the layers of tissue mobilizing blood flow to the skin creating a mild immune response which facilitates blood flow and nutrient exchange along with stimulation of the neuromuscular system which is essential to movements of the body, controlling posture, and breathing.

Relaxation Massage Therapy

Relaxation massage is a smooth, gentle, flowing style that promotes general relaxation, relieves muscular tension, plus improves circulation and range of movement. 

Your therapist will aim to relax, revive and rejuvenate you at a massage depth that does not cause discomfort. 

Swedish massage is probably the best-known form of relaxation massage. I incorporate the warmth of Hot Stone Therapy, soothing wave like strokes from level 1 & 2 Lomi Lomi certifications, and healing topical lubricants to elevating the traditional Swedish massage routine.